Ayurveda Summit

22nd - 27th of May

Online Ayurveda Conference hosting

World-renowned Ayurvedic experts

Experience traditional Ayurveda in a modern form

> Sign up

Online Ayurveda Conference

World-renowned Ayurvedic experts and Ayurvedic practitioners from Poland.

A unique 6-day online event where you'll meet outstanding people working with Ayurveda.

Feel their energy, listen and see how they share their knowledge.

The conference is made up of accessible and easy to digest talks.

Thanks to this simple format, you will absorb Ayurveda with your whole self

and get a better understanding than even the best written book can provide.

Feel how Ayurveda connects the world and awards us with its universal knowledge about life.

World-renowned Ayurvedic experts and Ayurvedic practitioners from Poland.

A unique 6-day online event where you'll meet the most outstanding people working with Ayurveda.

Feel their energy, listen and see how they transfer their knowledge.

The conference is held in an accessible and understandable form of talks.

Thanks to that form you absorb Ayurveda with your whole selfand you understand more than by reading, even the best written, book.

Feel how Ayurveda connects the world and gives us/awards us with its universal knowledge about life.

Experience traditional Ayurveda
in a modern form

What will you get from the event

You will be immersed in the centuries-old practice of Ayurveda.

You will feel supported and find confidence.

You will learn about Ayurveda from real people, empathetic for your abilities and limitiations.

You will find peace in answers for questions you've always had.

You will walk away inspired and more connected to yourself.

You will deepen your understanding of Ayurveda.

You will understand how to better weather the storm in times of change.


You will reach out to the old and proven Ayurveda.


In it you will find support and confidence.


You will listen about Ayurveda with a human voice, full of empathy for your abilities and limitiations.


You will relax when you hear answers for questions you've been asking yourself.


You will walk out inspired and more connected to yourself.


You will deepen the understanding of Ayurveda.


You will get the knowledge providing shelter in times of change.

Dr John Douillard

Maria Nowak-Szabat

A world-renowned expert in the field of natural medicine, Ayurveda and sports medicine. The creator of Lifespa.com and the author of the best-selling book Eat Wheat.


Ayurvedic therapist and psychologist. Helping people benefit from Ayurveda, she puts her heart into making the practice understandable and accessible. Along with husband Michał, she has been running Agni Ajurweda for eight years.


Dr Kulreet Chaudhary

Saturday 22nd of May

Ayurveda Summit Speakers

Day 1

Transformational breathing (Prananyama) and modern science


What you'll learn:

The science of mantras

Ayurveda as a profession


What you'll learn:


What you'll learn:

A neurologist, scientist and pioneer of integrative medicine. She conducts research on sound medicine at the Sri Narayani Holistic Center in India. The author of the book Ayurvedic detox.


Światowej sławy ekspert

w dziedzinie medycyny naturalnej,

Ajurwedy oraz medycyny sportowej.

Twórca Lifespa.com oraz autor

bestsellerowej książki Eat Wheat.


Oddech transformacyjny

a współczesna nauka

Ajurwedyjska terapeutka i psycholożka.

Pomaga ludziom skorzystać z Ajurwedy.

Wkłada serce w to, żeby Ajurweda

była zrozumiała i dostępna.

Od ośmiu lat wspólnie z mężem Michałem

prowadzi Agni Ajurweda.


Lekarz neurolog, naukowiec

i pionier medycyny integracyjnej.

Prowadzi badania nad medycyną dźwięku

w Sri Narayani Holistic Centre w Indiach.

Autorka książki Ajurwedyjski detoks.


how I build a support system within the #Iamalighthouse movement,

my idea to empower other Ayurvedic teachers and leaders based on my development,

an inclusive Ayurvedic approach that makes everyone a potential client.

how breathing practices help reduce stress levels and change habitual behavior,

how to breathe properly and why it is worth considering sleeping with ... your mouth sealed with tape,

pratiloma and slow breathing - how to properly perform two pranayamas to strengthen the lungs.

how sound medicine has evolved into
a new frontier of human potential,

mantra as a way of crossing the mind through the heart,

two powerful mantras opening the chakras and balancing male and female energy in the body.

Zdrowie psychiczne

z Ajurwedą

– podstawa dobrostanu

Dr John Douillard

Maria Nowak-Szabat

A world-renowned expert in the field of natural medicine, Ayurveda and sports medicine. The creator of Lifespa.com and the author of the best-selling book Eat Wheat.


Ayurvedic therapist and psychologist. Helping people benefit from Ayurveda, she puts her heart into making the practice understandable and accessible. Along with husband Michał, she has been running Agni Ajurweda for eight years.


Dr Kulreet Chaudhary

Saturday 22nd of May

Ayurveda Summit Speakers

Day 1

Transformational breathing (Prananyama) and modern science


What you'll learn:

The science of mantras

Mental health and Ayurveda -

the basis of well-being


What you'll learn:


What you'll learn:

A neurologist, scientist and pioneer of integrative medicine. She conducts research on sound medicine at the Sri Narayani Holistic Center in India. The author of the book Ayurvedic detox.


Światowej sławy ekspert

w dziedzinie medycyny naturalnej,

Ajurwedy oraz medycyny sportowej.

Twórca Lifespa.com oraz autor

bestsellerowej książki Eat Wheat.


Oddech transformacyjny

a współczesna nauka

Ajurwedyjska terapeutka i psycholożka.

Pomaga ludziom skorzystać z Ajurwedy.

Wkłada serce w to, żeby Ajurweda

była zrozumiała i dostępna.

Od ośmiu lat wspólnie z mężem Michałem

prowadzi Agni Ajurweda.


Lekarz neurolog, naukowiec

i pionier medycyny integracyjnej.

Prowadzi badania nad medycyną dźwięku

w Sri Narayani Holistic Centre w Indiach.

Autorka książki Ajurwedyjski detoks.


what is mental resilience and how it manifests itself in each of the doshas,

how Ayurveda helps to discover your Achilles' heel and identify your strongest attributes,

why mental health awareness is so important nowadays.

how breathing practices help reduce stress levels and change habitual behavior,

how to breathe properly and why it is worth considering sleeping with ... your mouth sealed with tape,

pratiloma and slow breathing - how to properly perform two pranayamas to strengthen the lungs.

how sound medicine has evolved into
a new frontier of human potential,

mantra as a way of crossing the mind through the heart,

two powerful mantras opening the chakras and balancing male and female energy in the body.

Zdrowie psychiczne

z Ajurwedą

– podstawa dobrostanu

Dr John Douillard

A world-renowned expert in the field of natural medicine, Ayurveda and sports medicine. The creator of Lifespa.com and the author of the best-selling book Eat Wheat.


Dr Kulreet Chaudhary

Saturday 22nd of May

Ayurveda Summit Speakers

Day 1

Transformational breathing (Prananyama) and modern science

The science of mantras


What you'll learn:

A neurologist, scientist and pioneer of integrative medicine. She conducts research on sound medicine at the Sri Narayani Holistic Center in India. The author of the book Ayurvedic detox.


how breathing practices help reduce stress levels and change habitual behavior,

how to breathe properly,

pratiloma and slow breathing - how to properly perform two pranayamas to strengthen the lungs.

how sound medicine has evolved into
a new frontier of human potential,

mantra as a way of crossing the mind through the heart,

two powerful mantras opening the chakras and balancing male and female energy in the body.


What you'll learn:


What you'll learn:

Dr Suhas Kshirsagar

Michał Szabat

Doctor and specialist in Ayurvedic medicine, director of the Ayurvedic Treatment Center in Santa Cruz, California and author of the book Change Your Schedule, Change Your Life.


Ayurvedic therapist and masseur, certified Sivananda yoga teacher. He specializes in Panchakarma. He learns about the human body and its needs thorugh touch.


Wanda Kruszyńska

Sunday 23rd of May

Day 2

Vedic counseling


What you'll learn:

what the purpose of vedic consultation is,

Ayurvedic tools for self-realization and awareness deepening,

how to talk to a client so that they feel heard and see you as a journey companion.

How to prepare for conceiving

a child? Ayurvedic tips

Where does body stiffness really come from

four important aspects of preparing for pregnancy,

how to prepare the body for pregnancy and how to support this process,

who is Ayurdoula?

differences in body flexibility for the three doshas,

toxins and their effect on body stiffness,

the effect of food on joints and muscles.


What you'll learn:


What you'll learn:

Therapist, specialist in Ayurvedic therapy and massage and Ayurvedic after-care.

Since 2005, she has been working specifically with the body and breathing.


Sunday 23rd of May

what the purpose of vedic consultation is,

Ayurvedic tools for self-realization and awareness deepening,

how to talk to a client so that they feel heard and see you as a journey companion.


What you'll learn:

Vedic counseling

Doctor and specialist in Ayurvedic medicine, director of the Ayurvedic Treatment Center in Santa Cruz, California and author of the book Change Your Schedule, Change Your Life.


Dr Suhas Kshirsagar


What you'll learn:

how to start networking and do it well,

possibilities and limitations of online consultations,

practical tips on how to conduct an online Ayurvedic consultation.

Practicing Ayurveda online and inspiring others

Dr Janardhana V. Hebbar

An Ayurvedic doctor who attracts patients from all over the world, author of several books on Ayurveda and expert in Ayurvedic pharmacy.


Day 2

Dr Janardhana V. Hebbar

Dr Manas Kshirsagar

An Ayurvedic doctor who attracts patients from all over the world, author of several books on Ayurveda and expert in Ayurvedic pharmacy.


Ayurvedic doctor with NAMA Board certification. For the past five years, he has traveled around the United States creating Ayurvedic medicine protocols in yoga studios, hospitals, and integrative wellness clinics.

Michael Mastro

Monday 24th of May

Day 3

Practicing Ayurveda online and inspiring others


What you'll learn:

how to start networking and do it well,

possibilities and limitations of online consultations,

practical tips on how to conduct an online Ayurvedic consultation.

Vastu - Vedic architecture

Effects of ayurvedic treatments

and lifestyle modalities on anxiety

what defines and what blocks Vastu,

which elements in the body are responsible for the specific directions of the world,

how to unblock the flow of energy and what is Yantra.

mental resilience and the role of meditation,

three questions for the diagnosis of dosha at the mind level,

how the enteric nervous system works.


What you'll learn:


What you'll learn:

Expert of Vastu Shastra, the Indian art of space planning, teacher of yoga and meditation techniques. Spirituality and Health magazine

has named him one of the top 100 yoga and Ayurveda practitioners in the world.


Dr Manas Kshirsagar

Ayurvedic doctor with NAMA Board certification. For the past five years, he has traveled around the United States creating Ayurvedic medicine protocols in yoga studios, hospitals, and integrative wellness clinics.

Michael Mastro

Monday 24th of May

Day 3

Vastu - Vedic architecture

Effects of ayurvedic treatments

and lifestyle modalities on anxiety

what defines and what blocks Vastu,

which directions of the world are responsible for the specific elements

in the body,

how to unblock the flow of energy and what is Yantra.

mental resilience and the role of meditation,

three questions for the diagnosis of dosha at the mind level,

how the enteric nervous system works.


What you'll learn:


What you'll learn:

Expert of Vastu Shastra, the Indian art of space planning, teacher of yoga and meditation techniques. Spirituality and Health magazine

has named him one of the top 100 yoga and Ayurveda practitioners in the world.


Dr Dilbag Jindal

Monika Ptak-Korbacz

Ayurvedic cleansing and pulse diagnosis specialist. He travels all over Poland conducting lectures and Ayurvedic consultations. He works at Sri Sri Ayurveda Poland.


A culture expert, instructor of psychosomatic exercises with a specialization in pilates,
a naturotherapist, an Ayurvedic therapist, lecturer and mother of three children. Author of several books on Ayurveda. She writes popular science articles and runs a blog.


Dr Chitrangana Chauhan

Tuesday 25th of May

Day 4

Panchakarma - a holistic detox of the body, spirit and mind


What you'll learn:

what is the proper preparation for Ayurvedic cleansing,

adapting the principles of Panchakarma to the requirements of the modern world,

cleansing of toxins (ama) on an emotional level.

Ayurvedic psychology and psychiatry from a doctor's perspective

Building immunity from

an Ayurvedic perspective

Ayurvedic ways to build immunity,

why sport is not always healthy,

herbs and spices for immunity.


What you'll learn:


What you'll learn:

MA in Ayurvedic psychiatry with 10 years of clinical experience. She specializes in Ayurveda, Nadi Pariksh's pulse testing, psychiatry, psychology, yoga, nature therapy and dietetics.

what foods build immunity and reduce stress,

is it possible to discontinue conventional drugs,

how to take care of children's mental health.

Dr Dilbag Jindal

Ayurvedic cleansing and pulse diagnosis specialist. He travels all over Poland conducting lectures and Ayurvedic consultations. He works at Sri Sri Ayurveda Poland.


Dr Chitrangana Chauhan

Tuesday 25th of May

Day 4

Panchakarma - a holistic detox of the body, spirit and mind


What you'll learn:

what is the proper preparation for Ayurvedic cleansing,

adapting the principles of Panchakarma to the requirements of the modern world,

cleansing of toxins (ama) on an emotional level.

Ayurvedic psychology and psychiatry from a doctor's perspective


What you'll learn:

MA in Ayurvedic psychiatry with 10 years of clinical experience. She specializes in Ayurveda, Nadi Pariksh's pulse diagnosis, psychiatry, psychology, yoga, nature therapy and dietetics.

what foods build immunity and reduce stress,

is it possible to discontinue conventional drugs,

how to take care of children's mental health.

Scott Roos

Cate Stillman

Writer, Ayurvedic practitioner, energy healer, yoga instructor, yoga philosophy and yoga sutras teacher, Vedic astrologer and Sanskrit teacher. He practiced with Dr Vasant Lad. Taking advantage of his wealth of Vedic knowledge, he has been helping others for many years.


Entrepreneur, Ayurvedic practitioner, certified yoga teacher. Since 2001, she has been systematically developing the YogaHealer platform, which has become an interactive place for yoga practitioners and people looking to

improve their personal and social well-being.


Marcin Skowroński

Wednesday 26th of May

Day 5

Jyotish and gemstones


What you'll learn:

burning, weakening of the planet, new moon - what they mean in the light of Vedic astrology,

interaction of planets and gemstones,

how to choose the right stone for you and how to wear it.

The mind in times of change

"I serve, so I deserve".

How to build a successful

wellness business

how to work with beliefs that limit your business growth,

artisans, helpers, celebrities and creators - types of people in the wellness industry,

community building and development - the role and tasks of a leader.


What you'll learn:


What you'll learn:

A passionate promoter of a conscious and healthy lifestyle. An Ayurvedic consultant, a Creation Process method specialist and a Tibetan bowl sound therapist, Lomi Lomi Nui masseur. Traveler. He seeks simple methods of recovery and coping with stress.


how the time of transformation disturbs each dosha,

return to a state of equilibrium - recommendations and tips,

how herbs influence mental states.

spalenie, osłabienie planety, nów – co oznaczają w świetle astrologii wedyjskiej,

wzajemne oddziaływanie planet

i kamieni szlachetnych,

jak dobrać odpowiedni dla siebie kamień i jak go nosić.

Scott Roos

Cate Stillman

Writer, Ayurvedic practitioner, energy healer, yoga instructor, yoga philosophy and yoga sutras teacher, Vedic astrologer and Sanskrit teacher. He practiced with Dr Vasant Lad. Taking advantage of his wealth of Vedic knowledge, he has been helping others for many years.


Entrepreneur, Ayurvedic practitioner, certified yoga teacher. Since 2001, she has been systematically developing the YogaHealer platform, which has become an interactive place for yoga practitioners and people looking to

improve their personal and social well-being.


Wednesday 26th of May

Day 5

Jyotish and gemstones


What you'll learn:

burning, weakening of the planet, new moon - what they mean in the light of Vedic astrology,

interaction of planets and gemstones,

how to choose the right stone for you and how to wear it.

"I serve, so I deserve".

How to build a successful

wellness business

how to work with beliefs that limit your business growth,

artisans, helpers, celebrities and creators - types of people in the wellness industry,

community building and development - the role and tasks of a leader.


What you'll learn:

burning, weakening of the planet, new moon - what they mean in the light of Vedic astrology,

interaction of planets and gemstones,

how to choose the right stone for you and how to wear it.

Jarosław Bizberg

Robin Mastro

Certified Homa Therapy teacher, president of the Homa Therapy Polska Foundation and co-founder of Ecovillage Bhrugu Aranya Polska. Pioneer of spiritual ecology. Since 1974 he has been practicing Agnihotra, Ayurvedic healing fire.
Author of the book Homa Farming for New Age.


Meditation and Vedic techniques teacher.
Co-founder of Vastu Creations, LLC and the American Institute of Vastu, companies dedicated to eliminating environmental stress to increase productivity, health and wellness.


Maciej Szaciłło

Thursday 27th of May

Day 6

The regenerating power of Agnihotra Ayurvedic fire


What you'll learn:

fire encoded in our DNA,

the impact of Agnihotra on the surrounding fauna and flora,

symbolism and meaning of burning fire in different cultures.

Four levels of working with

male energy

Vedic altars

effective Vastu in a small spaces,

what a Vedic altar can be built of,

what the altar diagram looks like and where to put it.


What you'll learn:


What you'll learn:

Vegetarian cook, author of culinary and lifestyle books. He is passionate about dietetics, oriental medicine and yoga. For years, he has combined the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda with the principles of modern dietetics and phytotherapy.


how men perceive Ayurveda,

balancing male and female energies,

which herbs promote male energy and which female energy.

Robin Mastro

Meditation and Vedic techniques teacher.
Co-founder of Vastu Creations, LLC and the American Institute of Vastu, companies dedicated to eliminating environmental stress to increase productivity, health and wellness.


Thursday 27th of May

Day 6

Vedic altars

effective Vastu in a small spaces,

what a Vedic altar can be built of,

what the altar diagram looks like and where to put it.


What you'll learn:

about real, plant origins and the roots of the paleo diet,

symptoms of chronic inflammation and how to protect yourself from it,

how to buy and prepare food so that it retains as much nutritional value as possible.


What you'll learn:

The Paleovedic diet

A doctor combining conventional medical knowledge with a holistic approach to health offered, among other things, by Ayurveda. He studied biochemistry at Harvard University and Ayurveda at Arya Vaidya Chikitsalayam in Coimbatore, India. Author of the book

The Paleovedic Diet.


Dr Akil Palanisamy

Dr Akil Palanisamy

Dr n. med. Agata Plech

A doctor combining conventional medical knowledge with a holistic approach to health offered, among other things, by Ayurveda. He studied biochemistry at Harvard University and Ayurveda at Arya Vaidya Chikitsalayam in Coimbatore, India. Author of the book

The Paleovedic Diet.


Specialist in eye diseases, head of the Ophthalmology Department of the Silesian Hospital in Cieszyn, owner of the BESKIDMED Medical Center, author and publisher of the book Przejrzyj Na Oczy, or how to live to enjoy great eyesight, and president of the Przejrzyj Na Oczy Association.


Friday 28th of May

Day 7

The Paleovedic diet


What you'll learn:

Ayurveda in private and professional life

how to combine classical medicine with Ayurveda,

how to communicate Ayurvedic knowledge to patients,

gymnastics for the eyes - how to quickly relax your eyes.


What you'll learn:


What you'll learn:

about real, plant origins and the roots of the paleo diet,

symptoms of chronic inflammation and how to protect yourself from it,

how to buy and prepare food so that it retains as much nutritional value as possible.

Ayurvedic therapist and psychologist. Helping people benefit from Ayurveda, she puts her heart into making the practice understandable and accessible. Along with husband Michał, she has been running Agni Ajurweda for eight years.


Maria Nowak-Szabat

Ayurveda as a profession

the path to becoming an Ayurvedic consultant,

new challenges, new profession,

personal development and professional development, i.e. your business develops

as much as you do.

Ajurwedyjska terapeutka i psycholożka.

Pomaga ludziom skorzystać z Ajurwedy.

Wkłada serce w to, żeby Ajurweda była zrozumiała i dostępna.

Od ośmiu lat wspólnie z mężem Michałem prowadzi Agni Ajurweda.


o prawdziwym, roślinnym pochodzeniu i korzeniach diety paleo,

symptomy przewlekłego stanu zapalnego i jak się przed nim chronić,

jak kupować i przygotowywać żywność, by miała jak najwięcej wartości odżywczych.

Nauczycielka Ajurwedy,

terapeutka i psycholożka.

Pomaga ludziom skorzystać z Ajurwedy.

Wkłada serce w to, żeby Ajurweda była zrozumiała i dostępna.

Od ośmiu lat wspólnie z mężem Michałem prowadzi Agni Ajurweda.


Special guest

Dr Vasant Lad

jaką rolę odgrywa duchowość w przywracaniu zdrowia?

jak mantry działają na rzecz uzdrowienia samego siebie?

jaka jest rola intencji podczas zbliżania się do Ajurwedy, zwłaszcza Dinacharyi?

jak dostroić się do Dharmy, abyśmy mogli w pełni służyć innym ludziom?

Jeden z najwybitniejszych lekarzy i nauczycieli Ajurwedy na świecie, BAM&S, MASc.

Od 1984 r. prowadzi The Ayurveda Institute w Albuquerque w stanie Nowy Meksyk.

Wniósł ogromny wkład w rozwój i popularyzowanie Ajurwedy na Zachodzie.


Rola konsultanta ajurwedyjskiego

w dostępności Ajurwedy

Jeden z najwybitniejszych lekarzy i nauczycieli Ajurwedy

na świecie, BAM&S, MASc.

Od 1984 r. prowadzi The Ayurveda Institute w Albuquerque

w stanie Nowy Meksyk.

Wniósł ogromny wkład w rozwój i popularyzowanie Ajurwedy na Zachodzie.


Jeden z najwybitniejszych lekarzy

i nauczycieli Ajurwedy na świecie,


Od 1984 r. prowadzi The Ayurveda Institute

w Albuquerque w stanie Nowy Meksyk.

Wniósł ogromny wkład w rozwój

i popularyzowanie Ajurwedy na Zachodzie.



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Platforma z materiałami video

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Transkrypcja i tłumaczenie

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od 39 zł

435 zł

Sign - ups expired

Purchase options

All Inclusive Package

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Platform with video materials

13 video recordings

Transcriptions in PDF format

Access for one year


Platform with video materials

A video of your choice

Transcriptions in PDF format

Access for one year


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Book a spot

Access to the summit every day for 24 hours

Platform with video materials

Transcriptions in PDF format



Free access


Free access


5 video recordings of conversations with women

who have already discovered their Dharma -

mentors, coaches, visionaries and even a ... shaman.

You will hear about their ways of finding their life mission.

You will learn what aids and what impedes developing your Dharma.

You will learn about waypoints in discovering your Dharma.

Thanks to this, you will embark on this extraordinary journey

with a better understanding.

With greater awareness of where you are in your life now

and what's ahead of you.


Videos: Discover your Dharma

Talks about Dharma

Bonus worth ?

Kurs oparty o tysiącletnią mądrość Ajurwedy oraz 6-letnie doświadczenie pracy w trybie zdalnym jego autorki,

Marii Nowak-Szabat.

Dzięki szkoleniu poznasz praktyczne sposoby na maksymalne wykorzystanie dobrodziejstw pracy zdalnej

i chronienie się przed jej obciążeniami.

Będziesz zaskoczona, jak wielką różnicę mogą przynieść drobne zmiany

w organizacji przestrzeni i czasu pracy.


Videos: Discover your Dharma

Talks about Dharma

5 video recordings of conversations with women who have already discovered their Dharma - mentors, coaches, visionaries and even a ... shaman.

You will hear about their ways of finding their life mission. You will learn what aids and what impedes developing your Dharma.

You will learn about waypoints in discovering your Dharma. Thanks to this, you will embark on this extraordinary journey with a better understanding. With greater awareness of where you are in your life now and what's ahead

of you.

Talks with:

Elisabeth Engel, Elena Herdieckerhoff,

Janet Bray Attwood, Janna Scharfenberg,

Marian Nielsen-Joos.

About the previous summit



I feel great! As if I discovered something absolutely unique

and yet so simple.

Thank you very much Maria for sharing your knowledge,

for extremely inspiring conversations with guests

and for the new energy which these conversations brought into my life.

Great speakers, extremely interesting topics.

Everything was organised very professionally .

I got up before 6am with great motivation to listen to the recordings.

Once again, thank you very much for organizing this summit!

It was a really great time for me! I hope that you will organise

more events like this in the future.

Katarzyna Topola

So many people, each different, with a common path.

Beautiful people, authentic and radiant.

After the summit, I can see how the qualities related to

Ayurveda affect my life and my perception of reality, how they are transferred to people close to me. It's some magic.

Nothing in my life has had this firepower.

Everything has started to fit together, forms a new, perfect shape.

Marta Walkowiak

I feel great! As if I discovered something

absolutely unique and yet so simple.

Thank you very much Maria for sharing your knowledge, for extremely inspiring conversations with guestsand for the new energy which these conversations brought into my life.

Great speakers, extremely interesting topics.Everything was organised very professionally .I got up before 6am with great motivation to listen to the recordings.

Once again, thank you very much for organizing this summit!It was a really great time for me!

I hope that you will organise more events

like this in the future.

Katarzyna Topola

So many people, each different, with

a common path.

Beautiful people, authentic and radiant.

After the summit, I can see how the qualities related to Ayurveda affect my life and my perception of reality, how they are transferred

to people close to me. It's some magic.

Nothing in my life has had this firepower. Everything has started to fit together, forms a new, perfect shape.

Marta Walkowiak



I am convinced that we achieve success when we add tools

to discover new opportunities for change in life.

Both ourselves and the world.

This summit brought that to my life.

Thank you very much!

Anna Hannah Choińska

I am impressed that in one place, during a few days, I was able to meet people who are authorities in the Ayurvedic world,

listen to them and get inspired.

Ayurveda Summit was organised from the heart.

And this heart was present in every conversation.

Barbara Niezgoda-Karaś

I am convinced that we achieve success when

we add tools to discover new opportunities for change in life. Both ourselves and the world.

This summit brought that to my life.

Thank you very much!

Anna Hannah Choińska

I am impressed that in one place, during a few days, I was able to meet people who are authorities in the Ayurvedic world,

listen to them and get inspired.

Ayurveda Summit was organised

from the heart. And this heart was present

in every conversation.

Barbara Niezgoda-Karaś



During the summit, I clearly felt that there was a place for everyone

who deals with Ayurveda.

Everyone can reach their audience in their own unique way.

I also felt part of the Ayurvedic community, that each of us goes

our own way, but we're really all going in the same direction.

Thank you for the time and talks.

Thank you to the whole Agni team, because thanks to their work

I was able to spend wonderful hours in the company of Ayurveda.

Magdalena Łoś

I feel like I can do anything! You brought so much into my life,

so many beautiful values.

I started to believe in myself again.

I am at the beginning of a new way of life,more confident,

smarter and happier.

You invited so many wonderful, smart people. I absorbed their knowledge like a sponge and with each subsequent conversation, I grew.

I'm lost for words...


During the summit, I clearly felt that there was

a place for everyonewho deals with Ayurveda.

Everyone can reach their audience in their

own unique way.

I also felt part of the Ayurvedic community, that each of us goes our own way, but we're really

all going in the same direction.

Thank you for the time and talks.

Thank you to the whole Agni team, because thanks to their work I was able to spend wonderful hours in the company of Ayurveda.

Magdalena Łoś

I feel like I can do anything! You brought so much into my life,so many beautiful values.

I started to believe in myself again. I am at the beginning of a new way of life,more confident, smarter and happier.

You invited so many wonderful, smart people.

I absorbed their knowledge like a sponge

and with each subsequent conversation, I grew.

I'm lost for words...




I feel deeply touched by the last day when these beautiful and extraordinary women

talked about their process of change. A process they are in all the time.

Listening to Joanna Kuriata and Małgorzata Roman, I cried.

I needed to hear the words that came from them that day ...

All speakers were showcases of Ayurveda.

You could see their passion, inner peace, confidence.

I was very impressed by Dr. Vasant Lad and the way he spoke.

I had the impression that he was giving me the essence of knowledge about life.

At such moments, you have shivers down your spine.

Maria, I admire your ability to open people up, ask the right questions

and express your thoughts in beautiful language. I want more of these qualities in my life.

Magda Wolska

I feel deeply touched by the last day when these beautiful and extraordinary women

talked about their process of change.

A process they are in all the time.

Listening to Joanna Kuriata and Małgorzata Roman, I cried. I needed to hear the words that came from them that day ...

All speakers were showcases of Ayurveda. You could see their passion, inner peace, confidence.

I was very impressed by Dr. Vasant Lad and the way he spoke. I had the impression that he was giving me the essence of knowledge about life.

At such moments, you have shivers down

your spine.

Maria, I admire your ability to open people up, ask the right questions and express your thoughts

in beautiful language.

I want more of these qualities in my life.

Magda Wolska

More recommendations

> Read




Saturday 22.05

Dr John Douillard

Transformational breathing (Prananyama) and modern science

Maria Nowak-Szabat

Ayurveda as a profession

Dr Kulreet Chaudhary

The science of mantras

Day 1



Sunday 23.05

Dr Suhas Kshirsagar

Vedic counseling

Dr Janardhana V. Hebbar

Practicing Ayurveda online and inspiring others


Dr Manas Kshirsagar

Effects of ayurvedic treatments and lifestyle modalities on anxiety

Michael Mastro

Vastu - Vedic architecture


Monday 24.05

Day 2

Day 3


Dr Dilbag Jindal

Panchakarma - a holistic detox of the body, spirit and mind

Dr Chitrangana Chauhan

Ayurvedic psychology and psychiatry from a doctor's perspective


Tuesday 25.05

Day 4


Scott Roos

Jyotish and gemstones

Cate Stillman

„I serve, so I deserve".

How to build a successful wellness business


Wednesday 26.05

Day 5


Robin Mastro

Vedic altars

Dr Akil Palanisamy

The Paleovedic Diet


Thursday 27.05

Day 6

Join the waiting list

Registration for this year's summit is over.

Don't miss out on next year's edition.

Join the waiting list to receive information about the next edition.

Ayurveda Summit host

Maria Nowak-Szabat

I am an Ayurvedic therapist and psychologist.

I help people benefit from Ayurveda.

I put my heart into making Ayurveda

understandable and accessible.

I have been running Agni Ajurweda with my husband Michał

for eight years.

Ayurveda is what we live every day.

Frequently asked questions

Ayurveda Summit

22nd - 27th of May

Experience traditional Ayurveda in a modern form

Experience traditional Ayurveda

in a modern form

> Sign up